Course Approval Information
Frankly, most courts, agencies, schools or other referral sources accept an Offender Solutions class without question. However, if you want to be sure it is acceptable to the person who referred you, the attached document can be submitted to the referral person to help explain and outline our curriculum.
Theft Course Approval Document:
If they have further questions they are encouraged to contact us directly.
Last Updated: June 17, 2022
Taking a theft class, theft course or attending a theft school can be a very helpful way to guide your life away from stealing, shoplifting or other theft behaviors which in the short run are very appealing. But, in the long run a life as a theft offender, a life of stealing, shoplifting etc., is one which leads to a dissatisfied and unfulfilled life. Certainly some people are down and out and, as such, feel the need to steal, shoplift, or commit some other form of theft but let me say... there are always options which work better than stealing. Think about your options - there are always options to stealing, shoplifting or other forms of theft. A theft class / theft course or shoplifting class can help!
Take a theft class from Offender Solutions®. Get started on a better life - now!